import operator
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline, splev
import numpy as np
from typing import Iterable, Union, Tuple
from brainlit.utils.util import (
[docs]def speed(
x: np.ndarray,
t: np.ndarray,
c: np.ndarray,
k: np.integer,
aux_outputs: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Compute the speed of a B-Spline.
The speed is the norm of the first derivative of the B-Spline.
x: A `1xL` array of parameter values where to evaluate the curve.
It contains the parameter values where the speed of the B-Spline will
be evaluated. It is required to be non-empty, one-dimensional, and
t: A `1xm` array representing the knots of the B-spline.
It is required to be a non-empty, non-decreasing, and one-dimensional
sequence of real-valued elements. For a B-Spline of degree `k`, at least
`2k + 1` knots are required.
c: A `dxn` array representing the coefficients/control points of the B-spline.
Given `n` real-valued, `d`-dimensional points ::math::`x_k = (x_k(1),...,x_k(d))`,
`c` is the non-empty matrix which columns are ::math::`x_1^T,...,x_N^T`. For a
B-Spline of order `k`, `n` cannot be less than `m-k-1`.
k: A non-negative integer representing the degree of the B-spline.
speed: A `1xL` array containing the speed of the B-Spline evaluated at `x`
.. [1] Kouba, Parametric Equations.
# convert arguments to desired type
x = np.ascontiguousarray(x)
t = np.ascontiguousarray(t)
c = np.ascontiguousarray(c)
k = operator.index(k)
if k < 0:
raise ValueError("The order of the spline must be non-negative")
check_type(t, np.ndarray)
t_dim = t.ndim
if t_dim != 1:
raise ValueError("t must be one-dimensional")
if len(t) == 0:
raise ValueError("t must be non-empty")
check_iterable_type(t, (np.integer, float))
if (np.diff(t) < 0).any():
raise ValueError("t must be a non-decreasing sequence")
check_type(c, np.ndarray)
c_dim = c.ndim
if c_dim > 2:
raise ValueError("c must be 2D max")
if len(c.flatten()) == 0:
raise ValueError("c must be non-empty")
if c_dim == 1:
check_iterable_type(c, (np.integer, float))
# expand dims so that we can cycle through a single dimension
c = np.expand_dims(c, axis=0)
if c_dim == 2:
for d in c:
check_iterable_type(d, (np.integer, float))
n_dim = len(c)
check_type(x, np.ndarray)
x_dim = x.ndim
if x_dim != 1:
raise ValueError("x must be one-dimensional")
if len(x) == 0:
raise ValueError("x must be non-empty")
check_iterable_type(x, (np.integer, float))
L = len(x)
# evaluate first and second derivatives
# deriv, dderiv are (d, L) arrays
deriv = np.empty((n_dim, L))
for i, dim in enumerate(c):
spl = BSpline(t, dim, k)
deriv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=1)(x) if k - 1 >= 0 else np.zeros(L)
# tranpose deriv
deriv = deriv.T
speed = np.linalg.norm(deriv, axis=1)
if aux_outputs == False:
return speed
return speed, deriv
[docs]def curvature(
x: np.ndarray,
t: np.ndarray,
c: np.ndarray,
k: np.integer,
aux_outputs: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Compute the curvature of a B-Spline.
The curvature measures the failure of a curve, `r(u)`, to be a straight line.
It is defined as
.. math::
k = \lVert \frac{dT}{ds} \rVert,
where `T` is the unit tangent vector, and `s` is the arc length:
.. math::
T = \frac{dr}{ds},\quad s = \int_0^t \lVert r'(u) \rVert du,
where `r(u)` is the position vector as a function of time.
The curvature can also be computed as
.. math::
k = \lVert r'(t) \times r''(t)\rVert / \lVert r'(t) \rVert^3.
x: A `1xL` array of parameter values where to evaluate the curve.
It contains the parameter values where the curvature of the B-Spline will
be evaluated. It is required to be non-empty, one-dimensional, and
t: A `1xm` array representing the knots of the B-spline.
It is required to be a non-empty, non-decreasing, and one-dimensional
sequence of real-valued elements. For a B-Spline of degree `k`, at least
`2k + 1` knots are required.
c: A `dxn` array representing the coefficients/control points of the B-spline.
Given `n` real-valued, `d`-dimensional points ::math::`x_k = (x_k(1),...,x_k(d))`,
`c` is the non-empty matrix which columns are ::math::`x_1^T,...,x_N^T`. For a
B-Spline of order `k`, `n` cannot be less than `m-k-1`.
k: A non-negative integer representing the degree of the B-spline.
curvature: A `1xL` array containing the curvature of the B-Spline evaluated at `x`
.. [1] Máté Attila, The Frenet–Serret formulas.
# convert arguments to desired type
x = np.ascontiguousarray(x)
t = np.ascontiguousarray(t)
c = np.ascontiguousarray(c)
k = operator.index(k)
if k < 0:
raise ValueError("The order of the spline must be non-negative")
check_type(t, np.ndarray)
t_dim = t.ndim
if t_dim != 1:
raise ValueError("t must be one-dimensional")
if len(t) == 0:
raise ValueError("t must be non-empty")
check_iterable_type(t, (np.integer, float))
if (np.diff(t) < 0).any():
raise ValueError("t must be a non-decreasing sequence")
check_type(c, np.ndarray)
c_dim = c.ndim
if c_dim > 2:
raise ValueError("c must be 2D max")
if len(c.flatten()) == 0:
raise ValueError("c must be non-empty")
if c_dim == 1:
check_iterable_type(c, (np.integer, float))
# expand dims so that we can cycle through a single dimension
c = np.expand_dims(c, axis=0)
if c_dim == 2:
for d in c:
check_iterable_type(d, (np.integer, float))
n_dim = len(c)
check_type(x, np.ndarray)
x_dim = x.ndim
if x_dim != 1:
raise ValueError("x must be one-dimensional")
if len(x) == 0:
raise ValueError("x must be non-empty")
check_iterable_type(x, (np.integer, float))
L = len(x)
# evaluate first and second derivatives
# deriv, dderiv are (d, L) arrays
deriv = np.empty((n_dim, L))
dderiv = np.empty((n_dim, L))
for i, dim in enumerate(c):
spl = BSpline(t, dim, k)
deriv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=1)(x) if k - 1 >= 0 else np.zeros(L)
dderiv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=2)(x) if k - 2 >= 0 else np.zeros(L)
# transpose derivs
deriv = deriv.T
dderiv = dderiv.T
# evaluate the cross product
cross = np.cross(deriv, dderiv)
# evalute the curvature
num = np.linalg.norm(cross, axis=1)
denom = np.linalg.norm(deriv, axis=1) ** 3
curvature = np.nan_to_num(num / denom)
if aux_outputs == True:
return curvature, deriv, dderiv
return curvature
[docs]def torsion(
x: np.ndarray,
t: np.ndarray,
c: np.ndarray,
k: np.integer,
aux_outputs: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Compute the torsion of a B-Spline.
The torsion measures the failure of a curve, `r(u)`, to be planar.
If the curvature `k` of a curve is not zero, then the torsion is defined as
.. math::
\tau = -n \cdot b',
where `n` is the principal normal vector, and `b'` the derivative w.r.t. the
arc length `s` of the binormal vector.
The torsion can also be computed as
.. math::
\tau = \lvert r'(t), r''(t), r'''(t) \rvert / \lVert r'(t) \times r''(t) \rVert^2,
where `r(u)` is the position vector as a function of time.
x: A `1xL` array of parameter values where to evaluate the curve.
It contains the parameter values where the torsion of the B-Spline will
be evaluated. It is required to be non-empty, one-dimensional, and
t: A `1xm` array representing the knots of the B-spline.
It is required to be a non-empty, non-decreasing, and one-dimensional
sequence of real-valued elements. For a B-Spline of degree `k`, at least
`2k + 1` knots are required.
c: A `dxn` array representing the coefficients/control points of the B-spline.
Given `n` real-valued, `d`-dimensional points ::math::`x_k = (x_k(1),...,x_k(d))`,
`c` is the non-empty matrix which columns are ::math::`x_1^T,...,x_N^T`. For a
B-Spline of order `k`, `n` cannot be less than `m-k-1`.
k: A non-negative integer representing the degree of the B-spline.
torsion: A `1xL` array containing the torsion of the B-Spline evaluated at `x`
.. [1] Máté Attila, The Frenet–Serret formulas.
# convert arguments to desired type
x = np.ascontiguousarray(x)
t = np.ascontiguousarray(t)
c = np.ascontiguousarray(c)
k = operator.index(k)
if k < 0:
raise ValueError("The order of the spline must be non-negative")
check_type(t, np.ndarray)
t_dim = t.ndim
if t_dim != 1:
raise ValueError("t must be one-dimensional")
if len(t) == 0:
raise ValueError("t must be non-empty")
check_iterable_type(t, (np.integer, float))
if (np.diff(t) < 0).any():
raise ValueError("t must be a non-decreasing sequence")
check_type(c, np.ndarray)
c_dim = c.ndim
if c_dim > 2:
raise ValueError("c must be 2D max")
if len(c.flatten()) == 0:
raise ValueError("c must be non-empty")
if c_dim == 1:
check_iterable_type(c, (np.integer, float))
# expand dims so that we can cycle through a single dimension
c = np.expand_dims(c, axis=0)
if c_dim == 2:
for d in c:
check_iterable_type(d, (np.integer, float))
n_dim = len(c)
check_type(x, np.ndarray)
x_dim = x.ndim
if x_dim != 1:
raise ValueError("x must be one-dimensional")
if len(x) == 0:
raise ValueError("x must be non-empty")
check_iterable_type(x, (np.integer, float))
L = len(x)
# evaluate first, second, and third derivatives
# deriv, dderiv, ddderiv are (d, L) arrays
deriv = np.empty((n_dim, L))
dderiv = np.empty((n_dim, L))
ddderiv = np.empty((n_dim, L))
for i, dim in enumerate(c):
spl = BSpline(t, dim, k)
deriv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=1)(x) if k - 1 >= 0 else np.zeros(L)
dderiv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=2)(x) if k - 2 >= 0 else np.zeros(L)
ddderiv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=3)(x) if k - 3 >= 0 else np.zeros(L)
# transpose derivs
deriv = deriv.T
dderiv = dderiv.T
ddderiv = ddderiv.T
cross = np.cross(deriv, dderiv)
# Could be more efficient by only computing dot products of corresponding rows
num = np.diag((cross @ ddderiv.T))
denom = np.linalg.norm(cross, axis=1) ** 2
torsion = np.nan_to_num(num / denom)
if aux_outputs == True:
return torsion, deriv, dderiv, ddderiv
return torsion