Source code for brainlit.preprocessing.image_process

from re import VERBOSE
import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Tuple
from brainlit.utils.util import (
import collections
import numbers
from tqdm import tqdm
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing as mp

[docs]def gabor_filter( input: np.ndarray, sigma: Union[float, List[float]], phi: Union[float, List[float]], frequency: float, offset: float = 0.0, output: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, np.dtype, None]] = None, mode: str = "reflect", cval: float = 0.0, truncate: float = 4.0, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Multidimensional Gabor filter. A gabor filter is an elementwise product between a Gaussian and a complex exponential. Parameters ---------- input : array_like The input array. sigma : scalar or sequence of scalars Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. The standard deviations of the Gaussian filter are given for each axis as a sequence, or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes. phi : scalar or sequence of scalars Angles specifying orientation of the periodic complex exponential. If the input is n-dimensional, then phi is a sequence of length n-1. Convention follows frequency : scalar Frequency of the complex exponential. Units are revolutions/voxels. offset : scalar Phase shift of the complex exponential. Units are radians. output : array or dtype, optional The array in which to place the output, or the dtype of the returned array. By default an array of the same dtype as input will be created. Only the real component will be saved if output is an array. mode : {‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’}, optional The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is ‘reflect’. cval : scalar, optional Value to fill past edges of input if mode is ‘constant’. Default is 0.0. truncate : float Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0. Returns ------- real, imaginary : arrays Returns real and imaginary responses, arrays of same shape as `input`. Notes ----- The multidimensional filter is implemented by creating a gabor filter array, then using the convolve method. Also, sigma specifies the standard deviations of the Gaussian along the coordinate axes, and the Gaussian is not rotated. This is unlike skimage.filters.gabor, whose Gaussian is rotated with the complex exponential. The reasoning behind this design choice is that sigma can be more easily designed to deal with anisotropic voxels. Examples -------- >>> from brainlit.preprocessing import gabor_filter >>> a = np.arange(50, step=2).reshape((5,5)) >>> a array([[ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8], [10, 12, 14, 16, 18], [20, 22, 24, 26, 28], [30, 32, 34, 36, 38], [40, 42, 44, 46, 48]]) >>> gabor_filter(a, sigma=1, phi=[0.0], frequency=0.1) (array([[ 3, 5, 6, 8, 9], [ 9, 10, 12, 13, 14], [16, 18, 19, 21, 22], [24, 25, 27, 28, 30], [29, 30, 32, 34, 35]]), array([[ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0]])) >>> from scipy import misc >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> plt.gray() # show the filtered result in grayscale >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # left side >>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # right side >>> ascent = misc.ascent() >>> result = gabor_filter(ascent, sigma=5, phi=[0.0], frequency=0.1) >>> ax1.imshow(ascent) >>> ax2.imshow(result[0]) >>> """ check_type(input, (list, np.ndarray)) check_iterable_or_non_iterable_type(sigma, numerical) check_iterable_or_non_iterable_type(phi, numerical) check_type(frequency, numerical) check_type(offset, numerical) check_type(cval, numerical) check_type(truncate, numerical) input = np.asarray(input) # Checks that dimensions of inputs are correct sigmas = ndi._ni_support._normalize_sequence(sigma, input.ndim) phi = ndi._ni_support._normalize_sequence(phi, input.ndim - 1) limits = [np.ceil(truncate * sigma).astype(int) for sigma in sigmas] ranges = [range(-limit, limit + 1) for limit in limits] coords = np.meshgrid(*ranges, indexing="ij") filter_size = coords[0].shape coords = np.stack(coords, axis=-1) new_shape = np.ones(input.ndim) new_shape = np.append(new_shape, -1).astype(int) sigmas = np.reshape(sigmas, new_shape) g = np.zeros(filter_size, dtype=complex) g[:] = np.exp(-0.5 * np.sum(np.divide(coords, sigmas) ** 2, axis=-1)) g /= (2 * np.pi) ** (input.ndim / 2) * orientation = np.ones(input.ndim) for i, p in enumerate(phi): orientation[i + 1] = orientation[i] * np.sin(p) orientation[i] = orientation[i] * np.cos(p) orientation = np.flip(orientation) rotx = coords @ orientation g *= np.exp(1j * (2 * np.pi * frequency * rotx + offset)) if isinstance(output, (type, np.dtype)): otype = output elif isinstance(output, str): otype = np.sctypeDict[output] else: otype = None output = ndi.convolve( input, weights=np.real(g), output=output, mode=mode, cval=cval ) imag = ndi.convolve(input, weights=np.imag(g), output=otype, mode=mode, cval=cval) result = (output, imag) return result
[docs]def getLargestCC(segmentation: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the largest connected component of a image. Arguments: segmentation : Segmentation data of image or volume. Returns: largeCC : Segmentation with only largest connected component. """ check_type(segmentation, (list, np.ndarray)) labels = label(segmentation) if labels.max() == 0: raise ValueError("No connected components!") # assume at least 1 CC largestCC = labels == np.argmax(np.bincount(labels.flat)[1:]) + 1 return largestCC
[docs]def removeSmallCCs( segmentation: np.ndarray, size: Union[int, float], verbose=False ) -> np.ndarray: """Removes small connected components from an image. Parameters: segmentation : Segmentation data of image or volume. size : Maximum connected component size to remove. Returns: largeCCs : Segmentation with small connected components removed. """ check_type(segmentation, (list, np.ndarray)) check_type(size, numerical) labels = label(segmentation, return_num=False) counts = np.bincount(labels.flat)[1:] for v, count in enumerate( tqdm(counts, desc="looking for components to remove", disable=not verbose) ): if count < size: labels[labels == v + 1] = 0 largeCCs = labels != 0 return largeCCs
[docs]def label_points(labels: np.array, points: list, res: list) -> Tuple[list, list]: """Adjust points so they fall on a foreground component of labels. Args: labels (array): labeled components, such as output from measure.label points (list): points to be adjusted res (list): voxel size Returns: [list]: adjusted points [list]: labels of adjusted points """ point_labels = [] nonzero_locs = np.argwhere(labels) for i, point in enumerate(points): too_big = [p >= l for p, l in zip(point, labels.shape)] if any(too_big) or labels[point[0], point[1], point[2]] == 0: dif = np.multiply(np.subtract(nonzero_locs, point), res) dists = np.linalg.norm(dif, axis=1) arg_min = np.argmin(dists) points[i] = nonzero_locs[arg_min, :] point = points[i] point_labels.append(labels[tuple(point)]) return points, point_labels
def _get_chunked_args( soma_coords: list, labels: np.array, im_processed: np.array, chunk_size: Optional[list] = [200, 200, 200], ) -> dict: """Splits large image data into smaller chunks so fragments can be generated in parallel. Args: soma_coords (list): list of voxel coordinates of somas labels (np.array): image segmentation im_processed (np.array): voxel-wise probability predictions for foreground chunk_size (list, optional): size of image chunks. Defaults to [200, 200, 200]. Yields: dict: dictionary of arguments that depend on chunking """ shp = labels.shape for x1 in np.arange(0, shp[0], chunk_size[0]): x2 = np.amin([x1 + chunk_size[0], shp[0]]) for y1 in np.arange(0, shp[1], chunk_size[1]): y2 = np.amin([y1 + chunk_size[1], shp[1]]) for z1 in np.arange(0, shp[2], chunk_size[2]): z2 = np.amin([z1 + chunk_size[2], shp[2]]) soma_coords_new = [] for soma_coord in soma_coords: if ( np.less_equal([x1, y1, z1], soma_coord).all() and np.less_equal( soma_coord, [x2, y2, z2], ).all() ): soma_coords_new.append(np.subtract(soma_coord, [x1, y1, z1])) yield { "soma_coords": soma_coords_new, "labels": labels[x1:x2, y1:y2, z1:z2], "im_processed": im_processed[x1:x2, y1:y2, z1:z2], } def _merge_chunked_labels( labels: list, new_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], chunk_size: Optional[list] = [200, 200, 200], ) -> np.array: """Merges the fragments of the chunked image. Assumes that chunking was done according to method in _get_chunked_args Args: labels (list): list of fragments generated by image chunks. new_shape (3-tuple of ints): size of stitched image chunk_size (list, optional): [description]. Defaults to [200, 200, 200]. Returns: np.array: complete label image """ new_labels = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype="int") idx = 0 max = 0 for x1 in np.arange(0, new_shape[0], chunk_size[0]): x2 = np.amin([x1 + chunk_size[0], new_shape[0]]) for y1 in np.arange(0, new_shape[1], chunk_size[1]): y2 = np.amin([y1 + chunk_size[1], new_shape[1]]) for z1 in np.arange(0, new_shape[2], chunk_size[2]): z2 = np.amin([z1 + chunk_size[2], new_shape[2]]) lab = labels[idx] lab[lab > 0] += max new_labels[x1:x2, y1:y2, z1:z2] = lab max = np.amax(lab) idx += 1 return new_labels
[docs]def compute_frags( soma_coords: list, labels: np.array, im_processed: np.array, threshold: float, res: list, chunk_size: list = None, ncpu: int = 2, ) -> np.array: """Preprocesses a neuron image segmentation by splitting up non-soma components into 5 micron segments. Args: soma_coords (list): list of voxel coordinates of somas labels (np.array): image segmentation im_processed (np.array): voxel-wise probability predictions for foreground threshold (float): threshold used to segment probability predictions into mask res (list): voxel size in image chunk_size (list): size of image chunks ncpu (int): number of cpus to use in parallel mode Returns: np.array: new image segmentation - different numbers indicate different fragments, 0 is background """ og_shape = labels.shape if chunk_size is None: new_labels = split_frags(soma_coords, labels, im_processed, threshold, res) else: args = _get_chunked_args( soma_coords, labels, im_processed, chunk_size=chunk_size ) inputs = [ (arg["soma_coords"], arg["labels"], arg["im_processed"], threshold, res) for arg in args ] with mp.Pool(ncpu) as pool: new_labelss = pool.starmap(split_frags, inputs) new_labels = _merge_chunked_labels(new_labelss, og_shape, chunk_size=chunk_size) return new_labels
def split_frags( soma_coords: list, labels: np.array, im_processed: np.array, threshold: float, res: list, verbose=False, ) -> np.array: """Preprocesses a single image chunk by splitting up non-soma components into 5 micron segments Args: soma_coords (list): list of voxel coordinates of somas labels (np.array): image segmentation im_processed (np.array): voxel-wise probability predictions for foreground threshold (float): threshold used to segment probability predictions into mask res (list): voxel size in image Returns: np.array: new image segmentation - different numbers indicate different fragments, 0 is background """ radius_states = 7 image_iterative, states, comp_to_states, new_soma_masks = remove_somas( soma_coords, labels, im_processed, res ) mask = labels > 0 mask2 = removeSmallCCs(mask, 25) image_iterative[mask & (~mask2)] = 0 states, comp_to_states = split_frags_place_points( image_iterative, labels, radius_states, res, threshold, states, comp_to_states, ) new_labels = split_frags_split_comps(labels, new_soma_masks, states, comp_to_states) new_labels = split_frags_split_fractured_components(new_labels) props = regionprops(new_labels) for label, prop in enumerate( tqdm(props, desc="remove small fragments", disable=not verbose) ): if prop.area < 15: new_labels[new_labels == prop.label] = 0 new_labels = rename_states_consecutively(new_labels) return new_labels
[docs]def remove_somas( soma_coords: list, labels: np.array, im_processed: np.array, res: list, verbose=False, ) -> Tuple[np.array, list, dict, list]: """Helper function of split_frags. Removes area around somas. Args: soma_coords (list): list of voxel coordinates of somas labels (np.array): image segmentation im_processed (np.array): voxel-wise probability predictions for foreground res (list): voxel size in image Returns: np.array: probability predictions, with the soma regions masked list: coordinates of the points dictionary: map from component in labels, to set of points that were placed there list: masks of the different somas """ states = [] comp_to_states = {} # probability image, with all soma regions set to 0 image_iterative = np.copy(im_processed) # list of soma region masks new_soma_masks = [] for soma_pt in tqdm(soma_coords, desc="removing somas", disable=not verbose): _, end_lbls = label_points(labels, [soma_pt], res) soma_lbl = end_lbls[0] soma_mask = labels == soma_lbl states.append(np.array(soma_pt)) comp = labels[soma_pt[0], soma_pt[1], soma_pt[2]] comp_to_states[comp] = [len(states) - 1] # soma component is all the voxels of that component within 12 microns of the soma point dist = np.ones_like(image_iterative) dist[soma_pt[0], soma_pt[1], soma_pt[2]] = 0 dt = ndi.distance_transform_edt(dist, sampling=[0.3, 0.3, 1]) sphere = dt < 15 new_soma_mask = np.logical_and(soma_mask, sphere) image_iterative[new_soma_mask] = 0 new_soma_masks.append(new_soma_mask) return image_iterative, states, comp_to_states, new_soma_masks
def split_frags_place_points( image_iterative: np.array, labels: np.array, radius_states: float, res: list, threshold: float, states: list, comp_to_states: dict, verbose=False, ) -> Tuple[list, dict]: """Helper function of split_frags. Places points on high probability voxels while keeping the points a certain distance apart from each other. Args: image_iterative (np.array): probability predictions, with the soma regions masked labels (np.array): image segmentation radius_states (float): distance constraint between points res (list): voxel size in image threshold (float): threshold used to segment probability predictions into mask states (list): coordinates of the points comp_to_states (dictionary): map from component in labels, to set of points that were placed there Returns: list: coordinates of the points dictionary: map from component in labels, to set of points that were placed there """ top_ind = np.unravel_index( np.argmax(image_iterative, axis=None), image_iterative.shape ) top = image_iterative[top_ind[0], top_ind[1], top_ind[2]] radius_vox = np.divide(radius_states, res).astype(int) prev_tot = np.sum(image_iterative > threshold) with tqdm(total=prev_tot, desc="Adding points...", disable=not verbose) as pbar: while top > threshold: states.append(top_ind) comp = labels[top_ind[0], top_ind[1], top_ind[2]] if comp in comp_to_states.keys(): lst = comp_to_states[comp] lst.append(len(states) - 1) comp_to_states[comp] = lst else: comp_to_states[comp] = [len(states) - 1] l_bd = [ np.amax([0, top_ind[0] - radius_vox[0]]), np.amax([0, top_ind[1] - radius_vox[1]]), np.amax([0, top_ind[2] - radius_vox[2]]), ] u_bd = [ np.amin([image_iterative.shape[0], top_ind[0] + radius_vox[0]]), np.amin([image_iterative.shape[1], top_ind[1] + radius_vox[1]]), np.amin([image_iterative.shape[2], top_ind[2] + radius_vox[2]]), ] image_iterative[l_bd[0] : u_bd[0], l_bd[1] : u_bd[1], l_bd[2] : u_bd[2]] = 0 top_ind = np.unravel_index( np.argmax(image_iterative, axis=None), image_iterative.shape ) top = image_iterative[top_ind[0], top_ind[1], top_ind[2]] tot = np.sum(image_iterative > threshold) pbar.update(prev_tot - tot) prev_tot = tot return states, comp_to_states def split_frags_split_comps( labels: np.array, new_soma_masks, states: list, comp_to_states: dict, verbose=False ) -> np.array: """Helper function of split_frags. Splits the components according to the points that were placed by split_frags_place_points. Args: labels (np.array): image segmentation new_soma_masks ([type]): [description] states (list): coordinates of the points comp_to_states (dictionary): map from component in labels, to set of points that were placed there Returns: np.array: new image segmentation - different numbers indicate different fragments, 0 is background """ labels_split = np.copy(labels) next_lbl = np.amax(labels) + 1 for comp in tqdm( comp_to_states.keys(), desc="Splitting Fragments", disable=not verbose ): comp_states = comp_to_states[comp] if len(comp_states) > 1: state_coords = [] for state in comp_states: state_coords.append(states[state]) state_coords = np.stack(state_coords) comp_coords = np.argwhere(labels == comp) amin, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(comp_coords, state_coords) for s, state in enumerate(np.unique(amin)): if s > 0: coords = comp_coords[amin == state] labels_split[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2]] = next_lbl next_lbl += 1 mx = np.amax(labels_split) for i, new_soma_mask in enumerate(new_soma_masks): labels_split[new_soma_mask] = mx + 1 + i new_labels = labels_split return new_labels def split_frags_split_fractured_components( new_labels: np.array, verbose=False ) -> np.array: """Helper function of split_frags. Some fragments from split_frags_split_comps may not be connected so this function separates those. Args: new_labels (np.array): new image segmentation - different numbers indicate different fragments, 0 is background Returns: np.array: new image segmentation - different numbers indicate different fragments, 0 is background """ props = regionprops(new_labels) new_lbl = np.amax(new_labels) + 1 for prop in tqdm(props, desc="Split fractured components", disable=not verbose): bbox = prop["bbox"] lbl = prop["label"] cutout = new_labels[bbox[0] : bbox[3], bbox[1] : bbox[4], bbox[2] : bbox[5]] mask = cutout == lbl lbl_labels = label(mask) for lbl_label in np.unique(lbl_labels): if lbl_label not in [0, 1]: cutout[lbl_labels == lbl_label] = new_lbl new_lbl += 1 return new_labels
[docs]def rename_states_consecutively(new_labels: np.array) -> np.array: """Helper function of split_frags. Relabel components in image segmentation so the unique values are consecutive. Args: new_labels (np.array): new image segmentation - different numbers indicate different fragments, 0 is background Returns: np.array: new image segmentation - different numbers indicate different fragments, 0 is background """ vals = np.unique(new_labels) vals = np.delete(vals, 0) vals = np.append(vals, [0]) new_vals = np.arange(1, len(vals)) new_vals = np.append(new_vals, [0]) data = np.reshape(np.copy(new_labels), (new_labels.size,)) sort_idx = np.argsort(vals) idx = np.searchsorted(vals, data, sorter=sort_idx) out = new_vals[sort_idx][idx] new_labels = np.reshape(out, new_labels.shape) return new_labels