Source code for brainlit.preprocessing.preprocess

from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as linalg

[docs]def center(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Centers data by subtracting the mean Parameters ---------- data : array-like data to be centered Returns ------- data_centered : array-like centered-data """ data_centered = data - np.mean(data) return data_centered
[docs]def contrast_normalize(data: np.ndarray, centered: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Normalizes image data to have variance of 1 Parameters ---------- data : array-like data to be normalized centered : boolean When False (the default), centers the data first Returns ------- data : array-like normalized data """ if not centered: data = center(data) data = np.divide(data, np.sqrt(np.var(data))) return data
[docs]def whiten( img: np.ndarray, window_size: np.ndarray, step_size: np.ndarray, centered: bool = False, epsilon: float = 1e-5, type: str = "PCA", ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Performs PCA or ZCA whitening on an array. This preprocessing step is described in _[1]. Parameters ---------- img : array-like image to be vectorized window_size : array-like window size dictating the neighborhood to be vectorized, same number of dimensions as img, based on the top-left corner step_size : array-like step size in each of direction of window, same number of dimensions as img centered : boolean When False (the default), centers the data first epsilon : epsilon value for whitening type : string Determines the type of whitening. Can be either 'PCA' (default) or 'ZCA' Returns ------- data-whitened : array-like whitened data S : 2D array Singular value array of covariance of vectorized image References ---------- .. [1] """ if window_size.ndim > 1 or step_size.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid input") if len(window_size) != len(step_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") if img.ndim != len(window_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") if not centered: img = center(img) data_padded, pad_size = window_pad(img, window_size, step_size) data_vectorized = vectorize_img(data_padded, window_size, step_size) c = np.cov(data_vectorized) U, S, _ = linalg.svd(c) if type == "PCA": whiten_matrix = / np.sqrt(S + epsilon)), U.T) elif type == "ZCA": whiten_matrix =, / np.sqrt(S + epsilon)), U.T)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid Whitening Type (must be either 'PCA' or 'ZCA'") whitened =, data_vectorized) data_whitened = imagize_vector(whitened, data_padded.shape, window_size, step_size) data_whitened = undo_pad(data_whitened, pad_size) return data_whitened, S
[docs]def window_pad( img: np.ndarray, window_size: np.ndarray, step_size: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Pad image at edges so the window can convolve evenly. Padding will be a copy of the edges. Parameters ---------- img : array-like image to be padded window_size : array-like window size that will be convolved, same number of dimensions as img step_size : array-like step size in each of direction of window convolution, same number of dimensions as img Returns ------- img_padded : array-like padded image pad_size : array-like amount of padding in every direction of the image """ if window_size.ndim > 1 or step_size.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid input") if len(window_size) != len(step_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") if img.ndim != len(window_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") shp = img.shape d = len(shp) pad_size = np.zeros([d, 2]) pad_size[:, 0] = np.floor(np.divide(window_size, 2)) num_steps = np.floor(np.divide(shp, step_size)) final_loc = np.multiply(num_steps, step_size) + np.floor(np.divide(window_size, 2)) pad_size[:, 1] = final_loc - shp + np.ones(len(shp)) # add 1 pad_width = [pad_size[dim, :].astype(int).tolist() for dim in range(d)] img_padded = np.pad(img, pad_width, mode="edge") # Why does the padding add so much to the edge? return img_padded, pad_size
[docs]def undo_pad(img: np.ndarray, pad_size: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Remove padding from edges of images Parameters ---------- img : array-like padded image pad_size : array-like amount of padding in every direction of the image Returns ------- img : array-like unpadded image """ if pad_size.ndim == 1 and img.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") if img.ndim != pad_size.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") start = pad_size[:, 0].astype(int) end = (img.shape - pad_size[:, 1]).astype(int) coords = list(zip(start, end)) slices = tuple(slice(coord[0], coord[1]) for coord in coords) img = img[slices] return img
[docs]def vectorize_img( img: np.ndarray, window_size: np.ndarray, step_size: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Reshapes an image by vectorizing different neighborhoods of the image. Parameters ---------- img : array-like image to be vectorized window_size : array-like window size dictating the neighborhood to be vectorized, same number of dimensions as img, based on the top-left corner step_size : array-like step size in each of direction of window, same number of dimensions as img Returns ------- vectorized : array-like vectorized image """ if window_size.ndim > 1 or step_size.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid input") if len(window_size) != len(step_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") if img.ndim != len(window_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") shp = img.shape num_steps = (np.floor(np.divide(shp - window_size, step_size)) + 1).astype(int) vectorized = np.zeros([np.product(window_size), np.product(num_steps)]) for step_num, step_coord in enumerate(np.ndindex(*num_steps)): start = np.multiply(step_coord, step_size) end = start + window_size coords = list(zip(start, end)) slices = tuple(slice(coord[0], coord[1]) for coord in coords) vectorized[:, step_num] = img[slices].flatten() return vectorized
[docs]def imagize_vector( img: np.ndarray, orig_shape: tuple, window_size: np.ndarray, step_size: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Reshapes a vectorized image back to its original shape. Parameters ---------- img : array-like vectorized image orig_shape : tuple dimensions of original image window_size : array-like window size dictating the neighborhood to be vectorized, same number of dimensions as img, based on the top-left corner step_size : array-like step size in each of direction of window, same number of dimensions as img Returns ------- imagized : array-like original image """ if window_size.ndim > 1 or step_size.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid input") if len(window_size) != len(step_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") if len(orig_shape) != len(window_size): raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") imagized = np.zeros(orig_shape) d = len(orig_shape) shp = orig_shape num_steps = (np.floor(np.divide(shp - window_size, step_size)) + 1).astype(int) for step_num, step_coord in enumerate(np.ndindex(*num_steps)): start = np.multiply(step_coord, step_size) end = start + window_size coords = list(zip(start, end)) slices = tuple(slice(coord[0], coord[1]) for coord in coords) imagized_temp = np.zeros(orig_shape) imagized_temp = img[:, step_num].reshape(window_size) stacked = np.stack((imagized[slices], imagized_temp), axis=-1) imagized[slices] = np.true_divide(stacked.sum(d), (stacked != 0).sum(d)) imagized[slices] = np.nan_to_num(imagized[slices]) return imagized