Source code for brainlit.utils.Neuron_trace

from curses import intrflush
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import re
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
from cloudvolume import CloudVolume, Skeleton
from io import StringIO
import os
from brainlit.utils.util import (
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min
import warnings

[docs]class NeuronTrace: """Neuron Trace class to handle neuron traces as swcs and s3 skeletons Arguments --------- path : str Path to either s3 bucket (url) or swc file (filepath). seg_id : int If s3 bucket path is provided, the segment number to pull, default None. mip : int If s3 bucket path is provided, the resolution to use for scaling, default None. rounding : bool If s3 is provided, specifies if it should be rounded, default True read_offset : bool If swc is provided, whether offset should be read from file, default False. fill_missing: bool Always passes directly into 'CloudVolume()' function to fill missing skeleton values with 0s, default True. use_https : bool Always passes directly into 'CloudVolume()' function to set use_https to desired value, default True. Attributes ---------- path : str Path to either s3 bucket (url) or swc file (filepath) input_type : bool Specifies whether input file is 'swc' or 'skel' df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indices, coordinates, and parents of each node args : tuple Stores arguments for df - offset, color, cc, branch seg_id : int If s3 bucket path is provided, the segment number to pull mip : None,int If s3 bucket path is provided, the resolution to use for scaling Example ---------- >>> swc_path = "./data/data_octree/consensus-swcs/2018-08-01_G-002_consensus.swc" >>> s3_path = "s3://open-neurodata/brainlit/brain1_segments" >>> seg_id = 11 >>> mip = 2 >>> swc_trace = NeuronTrace(swc_path) >>> s3_trace = NeuronTrace(s3_path,seg_id,mip) """ def __init__( self, path: str, seg_id: int = None, mip: int = None, rounding: bool = True, read_offset: bool = False, fill_missing: bool = True, use_https: bool = False, ): self.path = path self.input_type = None self.df = None self.args = [] self.seg_id = seg_id self.mip = mip self.rounding = rounding self.fill_missing = fill_missing self.use_https = use_https check_type(path, str) check_type(seg_id, (type(None), int)) check_type(mip, (type(None), int)) check_type(read_offset, bool) check_type(rounding, bool) if (seg_id == None and type(mip) == int) or ( type(seg_id) == int and mip == None ): raise ValueError( "For 'swc' do not input mip or seg_id, and for 'skel', provide both mip and seg_id" ) # first check if it is a skel if seg_id != None and mip != None: cv = CloudVolume( path, mip=mip, fill_missing=fill_missing, use_https=use_https ) skeleton = cv.skeleton.get(seg_id) if type(skeleton) is Skeleton: self.input_type = "skel" # else, check if it is a swc by checking if file exists/extension is .swc elif os.path.isfile(self.path) and os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lower() == ".swc": self.input_type = "swc" # if it is not a swc or skeleton, raise error if self.input_type != "swc" and self.input_type != "skel": raise ValueError("Did not input 'swc' filepath or 'skel' url") # next, convert to a dataframe if self.input_type == "swc" and read_offset == False: df, offset, color, cc, branch = self._read_swc(self.path) args = [offset, color, cc, branch] self.df = df self.args = args elif self.input_type == "swc" and read_offset == True: df, color, cc, branch = self._read_swc_offset(path) args = [None, color, cc, branch] self.df = df self.args = args elif self.input_type == "skel": df = self._read_s3(path, seg_id, mip, rounding) (self.path, seg_id, mip) self.df = df # public methods
[docs] def get_df_arguments(self) -> list: """Gets arguments for df - offset, color, cc, branch Returns ------- self.args : list list of arguments for df, if found - offset, color, cc, branch Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_df_arguments() >>> [[73954.8686, 17489.532566, 34340.365689], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], nan, nan] """ return self.args
[docs] def get_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Gets the dataframe providing indices, coordinates, and parents of each node Returns ------- self.df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` dataframe providing indices, coordinates, and parents of each node Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_df() >>> sample structure x y z r parent 0 1 0 -52.589700 -1.448032 -1.228827 1.0 -1 1 2 0 -52.290940 -1.448032 -1.228827 1.0 1 2 3 0 -51.992181 -1.143616 -0.240423 1.0 2 3 4 0 -51.095903 -1.143616 -0.240423 1.0 3 4 5 0 -50.797144 -0.839201 -0.240423 1.0 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148 149 0 45.702088 14.381594 -7.159252 1.0 148 149 150 0 46.000847 14.686010 -7.159252 1.0 149 150 151 0 46.897125 14.686010 -7.159252 1.0 150 151 152 0 47.494643 15.294842 -7.159252 1.0 151 152 153 6 48.092162 15.294842 -7.159252 1.0 152 53 rows × 7 columns """ return self.df
[docs] def get_skel( self, benchmarking: bool = False, origin: np.ndarray = None ) -> Skeleton: """Gets a skeleton version of dataframe, if swc input is provided Arguments ---------- origin : None, numpy array with shape (3,1) (default = None) origin of coordinate frame in microns, (default: None assumes (0,0,0) origin) benchmarking : bool For swc files, specifies whether swc file is from benchmarking dataset, to obtain skeleton ID Returns -------- skel : cloudvolume.Skeleton Skeleton object of given SWC file Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_skel(benchmarking=True) >>> Skeleton(segid=, vertices=(shape=153, float32), edges=(shape=152, uint32), radius=(153, float32), vertex_types=(153, uint8), vertex_color=(153, float32), space='physical' transform=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) """ check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) check_type(benchmarking, bool) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) if self.input_type == "swc": skel = self._swc2skeleton(self.path, benchmarking, origin) return skel elif self.input_type == "skel": cv = CloudVolume( self.path, mip=self.mip, fill_missing=self.fill_missing, use_https=self.use_https, ) skel = cv.skeleton.get(self.seg_id) return skel
[docs] def get_df_voxel( self, spacing: np.array, origin: np.array = np.array([0, 0, 0]) ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Converts coordinates in pd.DataFrame from spatial units to voxel units Arguments ---------- spacing : :class:`numpy.array` Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate. Default is (0,0,0). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- df_voxel : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indicies, coordinates, and parents of each node in the swc. Coordinates are in voxel units. Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_df_voxel(spacing=np.asarray([2,2,2])) >>> sample structure x y z r parent 0 1 0 -26 -1 -1 1.0 -1 1 2 0 -26 -1 -1 1.0 1 2 3 0 -26 -1 0 1.0 2 3 4 0 -26 -1 0 1.0 3 4 5 0 -25 0 0 1.0 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148 149 0 23 7 -4 1.0 148 149 150 0 23 7 -4 1.0 149 150 151 0 23 7 -4 1.0 150 151 152 0 24 8 -4 1.0 151 152 153 6 24 8 -4 1.0 152 153 rows × 7 columns """ check_type(spacing, np.ndarray) check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, np.ndarray) check_size(origin) df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) return df_voxel
[docs] def get_graph( self, spacing: np.array = None, origin: np.array = None ) -> nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph: """Converts dataframe in either spatial or voxel coordinates into a directed graph. Will convert to voxel coordinates if spacing is specified. Arguments ---------- spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- G : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_graph() >>> <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f81a83937f0> """ check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) return G
[docs] def get_paths( self, spacing: np.array = None, origin: np.array = None ) -> List[np.array]: """Converts dataframe in either spatial or voxel coordinates into a list of paths. Will convert to voxel coordinates if spacing is specified. Arguments ---------- spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : None, :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- paths : list List of Nx3 numpy.array. Rows of the array are 3D coordinates in voxel units. Each array is one path. Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_paths()[0][1:10] >>> array([[-52, -1, -1], [-51, -1, 0], [-51, -1, 0], [-50, 0, 0], [-50, 0, 0], [-49, 0, 0], [-48, 0, 0], [-46, 0, 0], [-46, 0, 0]], dtype=object) """ check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) paths = self._graph_to_paths(G) return paths
[docs] def generate_df_subset( self, vox_in_img_list: list, subneuron_start: int = None, subneuron_end: int = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read a new subset dataframe in coordinates in img spacing. Specify specific range of vertices from dataframe if desired Arguments ---------- vox_in_img_list : list List of voxels subneuron_start : None, int (default = None) Provides start index, if specified, to apply function to a portion of the dataframe Default is None. subneuron_end : None, int (default = None) Provides end index, if specified, to apply function to a portion of the dataframe Default is None. Returns ------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indicies, coordinates (in img spacing) and parents of each node. Coordinates are in spatial units. Example ------- >>> #swc input, subneuron_start and subneuron_end specified >>> subneuron_start = 5 >>> subneuron_end = 8 >>> #generate vox_in_img_list >>> my_list = [] >>>for i in range(subneuron_end-subneuron_start): my_list.append(10) >>> vox_in_img_list_2 = list([my_list,my_list,my_list]) >>>swc_trace.generate_df_subset(vox_in_img_list_2,subneuron_start,subneuron_end) >>> sample structure x y z r parent 5 6 0 10 10 10 1.0 5 6 7 0 10 10 10 1.0 6 7 8 0 10 10 10 1.0 7 """ check_type(vox_in_img_list, list) check_type(subneuron_start, (type(None), int)) check_type(subneuron_end, (type(None), int)) if (subneuron_start == None and type(subneuron_end) == int) or ( type(subneuron_start) == int and subneuron_end == None ): raise ValueError( "Provide both starting and ending vertices to use for the subneuron" ) # no subneuron range specified df = self.df # subneuron range specified if subneuron_start != None and subneuron_end != None: subneuron_df = self.df[subneuron_start:subneuron_end] df = subneuron_df df_new = self._generate_df_subset(df, vox_in_img_list) return df_new
[docs] def get_bfs_subgraph( self, node_id: int, depth: int, df: pd.DataFrame = None, spacing: np.array = None, origin: np.array = None, ) -> Tuple[nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph, nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph, List[np.array]]: """ Creates a spanning subgraph from a seed node and parent graph using BFS. Arguments ---------- node_id : int The id of the node to use as a seed. If df is not None this become the node index. depth : int The max depth for BFS to traven in each direction. df : None, DataFrame (default = None) Dataframe storing indices. In some cases indexing by row number is preferred. spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- G_sub : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Subgraph tree : DiGraph The tree returned by BFS. paths : list List of Nx3 numpy.array. Rows of the array are 3D coordinates in voxel units. Each array is one path. Example ------- >>> #swc input, specify node_id and depth >>> swc_trace.get_bfs_subgraph(node_id=11,depth=2) >>>(<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7f2ce65670>, <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7f2ce65370>, array([array([[4727, 4440, 3849], [4732, 4442, 3850], [4739, 4455, 3849]]), array([[4732, 4442, 3850], [4749, 4439, 3856]])], dtype=object)) """ check_type(node_id, (list, int)) check_type(depth, int) check_type(df, (type(None), pd.core.frame.DataFrame)) check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) G_sub, tree = self._get_bfs_subgraph(G, node_id, depth, df) paths = self._graph_to_paths(G_sub) return G_sub, tree, paths
[docs] def get_sub_neuron( self, bounding_box: Union[tuple, list, None], spacing: np.array = None, origin: np.array = None, ) -> nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph: """Returns sub-neuron with node coordinates bounded by start and end Arguments ---------- bounding_box : tuple or list or None Defines a bounding box around a sub-region around the neuron. Length 2 tuple/list. First element is the coordinate of one corner (inclusive) and second element is the coordinate of the opposite corner (exclusive). Both coordinates are numpy.array([x,y,z])in voxel units. spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- G_sub : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. Example ------- >>> bounding_box=[[1,2,4],[1,2,3]] >>> #swc input, no spacing and origin >>> swc_trace.get_sub_neuron(bounding_box) >>> <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f81a95d1e50> """ check_type(bounding_box, (tuple, list)) if len(bounding_box) != 2: raise ValueError("Bounding box must be length 2") check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) G_sub = self._get_sub_neuron(G, bounding_box) return G_sub
[docs] def get_sub_neuron_paths( self, bounding_box: Union[tuple, list, None], spacing: np.array = None, origin: np.array = None, ) -> List[np.array]: """Returns sub-neuron with node coordinates bounded by start and end Arguments ---------- bounding_box : tuple or list or None Defines a bounding box around a sub-region around the neuron. Length 2 tuple/list. First element is the coordinate of one corner (inclusive) and second element is the coordinate of the opposite corner (exclusive). Both coordinates are numpy.array([x,y,z])in voxel units. spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- paths : list List of Nx3 numpy.array. Rows of the array are 3D coordinates in voxel units. Each array is one path. Example ------- >>> bounding_box=[[1,2,4],[1,2,3]] >>> #swc input, no spacing and origin >>> swc_trace.get_sub_neuron_paths(bounding_box) >>> array([], dtype=object) """ check_type(bounding_box, (tuple, list)) if len(bounding_box) != 2: raise ValueError("Bounding box must be length 2") check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) G_sub = self._get_sub_neuron(G, bounding_box) paths = self._graph_to_paths(G_sub, round=self.rounding) return paths
[docs] @staticmethod def ssd(pts1: np.array, pts2: np.array) -> float: """Compute significant spatial distance metric between two traces as defined in APP1. Args: pts1 (np.array): array containing coordinates of points of trace 1. shape: npoints x ndims pts2 (np.array): array containing coordinates of points of trace 1. shape: npoints x ndims Returns: [float]: significant spatial distance as defined by APP1 Example ------- >>> pts1 = swc_trace.get_paths()[0][1:10] >> pts2 = swc_trace.get_paths()[0][11:20] >>> NeuronTrace.ssd(pts1,pts2) >>>6.247937554557103 """ check_type(pts1, np.ndarray) check_type(pts2, np.ndarray) _, dists1 = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(pts1, pts2) dists1 = dists1[dists1 >= 2] _, dists2 = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(pts2, pts1) dists2 = dists2[dists2 >= 2] # If there are is no significant distance between the 2 sets if len(dists1) == 0 and len(dists2) == 0: ssd = 0 # Else, calculate the mean else: dists = np.concatenate([dists1, dists2]) ssd = np.mean(dists) return ssd
# private methods def _read_swc( self, path: str ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, List[float], List[int], int, int]: """ Read a single swc file Arguments: path {string} -- path to file raw {bool} -- whether you are passing the file directly Returns: df {pandas dataframe} -- indices, coordinates, and parents of each node offset {list of floats} -- offset value of fragment color {list of ints} -- color cc {int} -- cc value, from file name branch {int} -- branch number, from file name """ # check input file = open(path, "r") in_header = True offset_found = False header_length = -1 offset = np.nan color = np.nan cc = np.nan branch = np.nan while in_header: line = file.readline().split() if "OFFSET" in line: offset_found = True idx = line.index("OFFSET") + 1 offset = [float(line[i]) for i in np.arange(idx, idx + 3)] elif "COLOR" in line: idx = line.index("COLOR") + 1 line = line[idx] line = line.split(",") color = [float(line[i]) for i in np.arange(len(line))] elif "NAME" in line: idx = line.index("NAME") + 1 name = line[idx] name = re.split(r"_|-|\.", name) try: idx = name.index("cc") + 1 cc = int(name[idx]) idx = name.index("branch") + 1 branch = int(name[idx]) except ValueError: pass elif line[0] != "#": in_header = False header_length += 1 if not offset_found: warnings.warn("No offset information found in: " + path) offset = [float(0) for i in range(3)] # read coordinates df = pd.read_table( path, names=["sample", "structure", "x", "y", "z", "r", "parent"], skiprows=header_length, delimiter="\s+", ) return df, offset, color, cc, branch def _read_swc_offset(self, path: str) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, List[int], int, int]: df, offset, color, cc, branch = self._read_swc(path) df["x"] = df["x"] + offset[0] df["y"] = df["y"] + offset[1] df["z"] = df["z"] + offset[2] return df, color, cc, branch def _read_s3( self, s3_path: str, seg_id: int, mip: int, rounding: Optional[bool] = True ): """Read a s3 bucket path to a skeleton object into a pandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- s3_path : str String representing the path to the s3 bucket seg_id : int The segement number to pull mip : int The resolution to use for scaling rounding: bool, Optional True is default, false if swc shouldn't be rounded Returns ------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indicies, coordinates, and parents of each node in the swc. Coordinates are in spatial units. """ # TODO check header length # check input cv = CloudVolume( s3_path, mip=mip, fill_missing=self.fill_missing, use_https=self.use_https ) skeleton = cv.skeleton.get(seg_id) swc_string = skeleton.to_swc() string_io = StringIO(swc_string) splitted_string = swc_string.split("\n") in_h = True h_len = -1 while in_h: h_len += 1 line = splitted_string[h_len] if len(line) == 0 or line[0] != "#": in_h = False df = pd.read_table( string_io, names=["sample", "structure", "x", "y", "z", "r", "parent"], skiprows=h_len, sep=" " # delim_whitespace=True, ) # round swc files when reading if rounding == True: res = cv.scales[mip]["resolution"] df["x"] = np.round(df["x"] / res[0]) df["y"] = np.round(df["y"] / res[1]) df["z"] = np.round(df["z"] / res[2]) return df def _generate_df_subset(self, swc_df, vox_in_img_list): """Read a new subset of swc dataframe in coordinates in img spacing. Parameters ---------- swc_df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing information from swc file vox_in_img_list: list List of voxels Returns ------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indicies, coordinates (in img spacing) and parents of each node in the swc. Coordinates are in spatial units. """ # check input df_new = swc_df.copy() df_new["x"], df_new["y"], df_new["z"] = ( vox_in_img_list[:][0], vox_in_img_list[:][1], vox_in_img_list[:][2], ) return df_new def _space_to_voxel( self, spatial_coord: np.array, spacing: np.array, origin: np.array = np.array([0, 0, 0]), ) -> np.array: """Converts coordinate from spatial units to voxel units. Parameters ---------- spatial_coord : :class:`numpy.array` 3D coordinate in spatial units. Assumed to be np.array[(x,y,z)] spacing : :class:`numpy.array` Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate. Default is (0,0,0). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- voxel_coord : :class:`numpy.array` Coordinate in voxel units. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) """ if np.any(spacing == 0): raise ValueError(f"Zero detected in spacing: {spacing}") voxel_coord = np.round(np.divide(spatial_coord - origin, spacing)) voxel_coord = voxel_coord.astype(np.int64) return voxel_coord def _df_in_voxel( self, df: pd.DataFrame, spacing: np.array, origin: np.array = np.array([0, 0, 0]), ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Converts coordinates in pd.DataFrame representing swc from spatial units to voxel units Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indicies, coordinates, and parents of each node in the swc. Coordinates are in spatial units. spacing : :class:`numpy.array` Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate. Default is (0,0,0). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- df_voxel : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indicies, coordinates, and parents of each node in the swc. Coordinates are in voxel units. """ x = [] y = [] z = [] df_voxel = df.copy() for index, row in df_voxel.iterrows(): vox = self._space_to_voxel(row[["x", "y", "z"]].to_numpy(), spacing, origin) x.append(vox[0]) y.append(vox[1]) z.append(vox[2]) df_voxel["x"] = x df_voxel["y"] = y df_voxel["z"] = z return df_voxel def _df_to_graph(self, df, round=False): """Converts dataframe form of neuron trace into a directed graph Parameters ---------- df_voxel : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indices, coordinates, and parents of each node in the swc. round : boolean Whether coordinates/distances should be rounded to integers. Returns ------- G : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. """ G = nx.DiGraph() # add nodes for index, row in df.iterrows(): id = int(row["sample"]) coord = [row["x"], row["y"], row["z"]] if round: coord = [int(c) for c in coord] G.add_node(id) G.nodes[id]["x"] = coord[0] G.nodes[id]["y"] = coord[1] G.nodes[id]["z"] = coord[2] # add edges for index, row in df.iterrows(): child = int(row["sample"]) child_coord = [row["x"], row["y"], row["z"]] parent = int(row["parent"]) if parent > min(df["parent"]): parent_row = df[df["sample"] == parent] parent_coord = [parent_row["x"], parent_row["y"], parent_row["z"]] dist = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(child_coord, parent_coord)) if round: dist = int(dist) G.add_edge(parent, child, distance=dist) return G def _get_sub_neuron( self, G: nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph, bounding_box: Union[tuple, list, None] ) -> nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph: """Returns sub-neuron with node coordinates bounded by start and end Parameters ---------- G : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. bounding_box : tuple or list or None Defines a bounding box around a sub-region around the neuron. Length 2 tuple/list. First element is the coordinate of one corner (inclusive) and second element is the coordinate of the opposite corner (exclusive). Both coordinates are numpy.array([x,y,z])in voxel units. Returns ------- G_sub : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. """ G_sub = G.copy() # make copy of input G start = bounding_box[0] end = bounding_box[1] # remove nodes that are not neighbors of nodes bounded by start and end for node in list(G_sub.nodes): neighbors = list(G_sub.successors(node)) + list(G_sub.predecessors(node)) remove = True for id in neighbors + [node]: x = G_sub.nodes[id]["x"] y = G_sub.nodes[id]["y"] z = G_sub.nodes[id]["z"] if x >= start[0] and y >= start[1] and z >= start[2]: if x < end[0] and y < end[1] and z < end[2]: remove = False if remove: G_sub.remove_node(node) # set origin to start of bounding box for id in list(G_sub.nodes): G_sub.nodes[id]["x"] = G_sub.nodes[id]["x"] - start[0] G_sub.nodes[id]["y"] = G_sub.nodes[id]["y"] - start[1] G_sub.nodes[id]["z"] = G_sub.nodes[id]["z"] - start[2] return G_sub def _graph_to_paths(self, G, round=False): """Converts neuron represented as a directed graph with no cycles into a list of paths. Parameters ---------- G : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. Returns ------- paths : list List of Nx3 numpy.array. Rows of the array are 3D coordinates in voxel units. Each array is one path. """ G_cp = G.copy() # make copy of input G branches = [] while len(G_cp.edges) != 0: # iterate over branches # get longest branch longest = nx.algorithms.dag.dag_longest_path( G_cp, weight="distance" ) # list of nodes on the path branches.append(longest) # remove longest branch for idx, e in enumerate(longest): if idx < len(longest) - 1: G_cp.remove_edge(longest[idx], longest[idx + 1]) # convert branches into list of paths paths = [] for branch in branches: # get vertices in branch as n by 3 numpy.array; n = length of branches if round: dtype = "int" else: dtype = "float" path = np.zeros((len(branch), 3), dtype=dtype) for idx, node in enumerate(branch): coord = [G_cp.nodes[node][c] for c in ["x", "y", "z"]] if round: coord = [np.int64(c) for c in coord] path[idx, :] = coord paths.append(path) return paths def _get_bfs_subgraph( self, G: nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph, node_id: int, depth: int, df: pd.DataFrame = None, ) -> Tuple[nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph, nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph]: """ Creates a spanning subgraph from a seed node and parent graph using BFS. Parameters ---------- G : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. node_id : int The id of the node to use as a seed. If df is not None this become the node index. depth : int The max depth for BFS to traven in each direction. df : None, DataFrame (default = None) Dataframe storing indices. In some cases indexing by row number is preferred. Returns ------- G_sub : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Subgraph tree : DiGraph The tree returned by BFS. """ if df is not None: node_id = int(df.iloc[node_id]["sample"]) G_undir = G.to_undirected() tree = nx.bfs_tree(G_undir, node_id, depth_limit=depth) # forward BFS G_sub = nx.subgraph(G, list(tree.nodes)) return G_sub, tree def _swc2skeleton( self, swc_file: str, benchmarking: bool = False, origin: np.array = None ) -> Skeleton: """Converts swc file into Skeleton object Arguments: swc_file {str} -- path to SWC file Keyword Arguments: origin {numpy array with shape (3,1)} -- origin of coordinate frame in microns, (default: None assumes (0,0,0) origin) Returns: skel {cloudvolume.Skeleton} -- Skeleton object of given SWC file """ with open(swc_file, "r") as f: contents = # get every line that starts with a hashtag comments = [i.split(" ") for i in contents.split("\n") if i.startswith("#")] offset = np.array([float(j) for i in comments for j in i[2:] if "OFFSET" in i]) color = [float(j) for i in comments for j in i[2].split(",") if "COLOR" in i] # set alpha to 0.0 so skeleton is opaque color.append(0.0) color = np.array(color, dtype="float32") skel = Skeleton.from_swc(contents) # physical units # space can be 'physical' or 'voxel' = "physical" # hard coding parsing the id from the filename idx = swc_file.find("G") if benchmarking == True: idx1 = swc_file.find( "_", swc_file.find("_") + 1 ) # finding second occurence of "_" idx2 = swc_file.find(".") = swc_file[idx1 + 1 : idx2] else: = int(swc_file[idx + 2 : idx + 5]) # hard coding changing data type of vertex_types skel.extra_attributes[-1]["data_type"] = "float32" skel.extra_attributes.append( {"id": "vertex_color", "data_type": "float32", "num_components": 4} ) # add offset to vertices # and shift by origin skel.vertices += offset if origin is not None: skel.vertices -= origin # convert from microns to nanometers skel.vertices *= 1000 skel.vertex_color = np.zeros((skel.vertices.shape[0], 4), dtype="float32") skel.vertex_color[:, :] = color return skel